Team Development info in steps

Team Development info – How to start

This page contains Team Development info. 

We developed a roadmap that shows at a glance where a team functions on the way to good cooperation. And what steps still need to be taken.

Scale of Cooperation - a roadmap to team development

When your company is climbing out a period of unhealthy pressure because of difficult market circumstances, (Covid-19) crisis or reorganization, no one is to blame. There is work to do.

If you recognize three or more of the following characteristics in your company or organization, team coaching will bring your team(s) ‘back to normal’.

So from pressure on individuals to feedback on tasks, with attention to who does what in the collaboration. We call that consolidating with commitment.

Team coaching is the best choice when

  1. Some employees act under unhealthy pressure.
  2. This pressure results in a higher than usual high absenteeism due to illness.
  3. (The best) employees consider leaving, resulting in loss of knowledge and training costs for new employees.
  4. The level of collaboration in and between teams shows struggling and avoiding behavior.
  5. Avoiding behavior creates distance.
  6. People talk more about each other than they talk with each other. There is a sense of lack of confidence.
  7. Some are gossiping, teasing sometimes seen as bullying, but nobody knows how to react. Some others feel to be lost.
  8. Employees, team leaders and managers long for improvement in the collaboration.

Team development info – how to start with impact

  • Compared to reorganizations and severance, team development is cheaper and a much more positive investment.
  • Team coaches show your team how to use creativity to overcome pressure on the market.
  • Dozens of companies already experienced it and experience team coaching costs as investments.


Teambuilding4Teams Benefits

  • Our experts will provide you first with free advice.
  • You’ll get the complete Scale of Cooperation roadmap for free.
  • We’ll provide you with an overview of the possibilities about positive support with real impact.
  • We are also willing and perfectly able to train your coaches, team leaders, managers and executives with the help of the Scale of Cooperation, in order to support your teams in their collaboration with team members, other teams and departments as well as with customers.

Support your team with team building on the highest level to reach and stay at the highest level.

Step 1 Team Building Team4Teams

The highest level of team building available for your team

In team development we prefer to start at the highest level in order to reveal the team’s potential. During this team building the team coach will focus on the here and now. He or she will discuss the team’s current level of collaboration. What works well and what doesn’t? What do team members appreciate about each other? Which type of behavior is appreciated? And of course: What needs improvement? Together, your team will discuss collaboration in the workplace. What specifically will you start working on as a team and how do you get everyone to agree? Team building is serious fun and needs you to be fully focused. That’s why we prefer working outdoors.Using locations which will ensure your team’s privacy.

Challenged in a positive way

The team coach will challenge the participants, who, in turn, will customize their own assignments to their team’s needs. In short, fun, laughs and appealing activities for everyone. We’re here to deliver just that.

Results after the clinic team building

At the end of step 1 you and your team will have created a more positive and engaging working climate with a better understanding of each other and improved collaboration skills.


directing-communication-style-Team4TeamsCommunication in style

Most of us use different styles of communication. Often, our communication style depends upon the situation itself – what style will work best under these circumstances? On top of that every person has a specific and preferred focus. Where one person looks for quick results, another prefers thoroughness. A third wants to build relationships, while yet another has his mind set on motivating people. Your team needs all these communication styles to reach its full potential.

Deep insights in what colleagues need

By gaining insight into your preferred style, you can learn to change your focus and learn to adjust your communication style to that of a colleague or a client. You will develop more understanding for each other and collaborate more effectively. In addition the company gains when more employees are engaged and supporting each other.

Results of the clinic Communication Styles

At the end of step 2 you and your team will have developed a common language to improve collaboration as well as communication between colleagues and clients.


giving-and-receiving-feedback-Team4TeamsCriticism becomes Feedback

Employees giving each other feedback is a great way to keep your team members motivated and gain insight into how to improve collaboration. We’ll focus on criticism and discussions vs. feedback and dialog. What are the keys to effective feedback and how do we boost the willingness to learn from each other? Constructive communication is one of the best gifts you can give your team and your company, simply because it keeps on giving.

Results of the clinic Feedback

At the end of step 3 you and your team will have formulated ground rules as a team on how to give and receive feedback driven by a common company goal.


Outdoor-cooking-implementation-day-Team4TeamsSustain the new culture

When all goes well, people hardly ever mention it. Mistakes, on the other hand, receive lots of attention and are magnified. This team training reminds colleagues to celebrate their successes. To make team building last, we recommend teams to celebrate successes together. Furthermore we combine this with a team check-up. This will allow the team to reinforce the learning that took place during the first three steps. Consider this a bonus, because it will increase your return on investment considerably. We’ll discuss implementation topics like:

  • Are we still in agreement?
  • Which ground rules are working well and which need adjusting?
  • Did the feedback work out well? If not, what do you need to take the next step?
  • Which improvement demands attention?

The team check-up can be customized to fit your (kick-off) event or conference about business transformation or cultural differences. Maybe the team needs to brush up on steps 2 or 3. In addition step 4 will be experienced as your gift to the team to celebrate a successful year.

Results of sustainable collaboration

At the end of step 4 you and your team will have checked and evaluated ground rules and shared as well as celebrated your successes.
